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We are so proud to share some fantastic news with our entire school community. Goodlyburn Primary has been awarded the prestigious Digital Schools Award Scotland!

This achievement reflects the dedication, innovation, and collaboration of everyone involved in our school. A special thanks to Mr Munro and Mrs Gentles on our Digital Team, our enthusiastic pupils on the Digital Leaders Team, all pupils who have embraced digital learning opportunities with enthusiasm, and all staff who have worked and trained to integrate technology into teaching and learning.

Receiving the Scottish Digital School Award is a testament to our collective efforts in using the power of digital technology to enrich education and prepare our students for success in a rapidly evolving world.

Here are the comments from our assessor:
“I was delighted to award Goodlyburn Primary School, the Digital Schools Award at the validation visit held on 5th March 2024. Thank you for all your work in the lead up to this award and preparing the evidence. The way you and the rest of the school, including pupils have led the digital journey was very inspirational and it was clear that digital education is fully embedded across the whole school. It was wonderful to see powerful examples of how the use of digital technology is supporting teaching and learning, building relationships, supporting pupils’ independent learning, building confidence and communication. I was also impressed with the use of technology to support inclusion and use of technology to motivate and engage pupils and the evidence of strong pupil voice, including the role of the Pupil Digital Leaders. I was pleased to see such a strong pupil voice and the impact of the Pupil Digital Leaders across the school.”

We look forward to sharing the next steps on our digital journey with you.

Deagh dhùrachdan/Kind regards

Annemarie Sands
Goodlyburn Primary School
01738 454230